This episode explores the curse of the solopreneur…asking for help – ARRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHH! It can be easier than you think, you know – and we’re about to prove it!
Spoiler alert! Here’s what you can expect:
- Lindsay and Laura reveal their personal mind fuckery stories around asking for help
- Our expert Shazza gets deep when she talks about the importance of being open to receiving (not that, you dirty bitch – we’re talking about help!)
- We identify some powerful questions you can ask yourself to make it easier to ask for the specific help you need at any given time
Join us as we break the curse of the solopreneur and normalise asking for help, so we can all have more fun while getting shit done!
And when you realise this is the podcast you need in your life, show us some love by subscribing and sharing!
Byeeeeeeee x
P.s To submit a question to be answered on the show simply click here!